Now I'm on my way. Two duffel bags and bike checked in to Cairo via Copenhagen. It is a fantastic, unreal feeling to be free from work and at the same time have a great challenge ahead.
The seventeenth edition of this tour starts in Cairo on January 17, 2019 and ends in Cape Town on May 12. About 40 participants are registered for the entire route. Another 40 will ride selected parts on the road down the continent. As a participant you can choose your own pace and make your own stops during the days, maybe for a cup of coffee. Stages are usually between 120 and 140 km per day. The organizer arranges breakfast, lunch and dinner. They transport the participants' tents and packing to the next camping spot. In this party of holiday travellers, we get service from mobile nurse, chef, bicycle mechanic, tour leader, assistants and drivers.
The seventeenth edition of this tour starts in Cairo on January 17, 2019 and ends in Cape Town on May 12. About 40 participants are registered for the entire route. Another 40 will ride selected parts on the road down the continent. As a participant you can choose your own pace and make your own stops during the days, maybe for a cup of coffee. Stages are usually between 120 and 140 km per day. The organizer arranges breakfast, lunch and dinner. They transport the participants' tents and packing to the next camping spot. In this party of holiday travellers, we get service from mobile nurse, chef, bicycle mechanic, tour leader, assistants and drivers.
Önskar dig en lycklig resa. Kommer absolut att titta in på din blogg för att följa äventyret. /PiaH
SvaraRaderaHärligt Mats!
SvaraRaderaDå du börjar trampa den 17 januari går jag obligatorisk kurs på Skolverket om tjänstemannarollen. Jag skickar bilderna!!!
Har det så himla bra och njut hela vägen Mats!
SvaraRaderaKör hårt! Kan jag dela bloggen i facebookgruppen alla som älskar landsvägscykling?